You're Either Building Someone Else's Dream or Your Own

This quote from the wonderful Jeff Olsen holds so much truth. In our daily lives, many of us are working for another business owner, helping this person to make his company an even bigger success. While this is all fine and good, wouldn't you rather work to build your own business and achieve your dreams? A good employee may see a raise or occasional bonus...but that employee will never see the income of the business owner.

One will NEVER make the income of a business owner as long as you are working for someone else. You will be working on their terms, their schedule and when all is said and done, they will pay you what they think you are worth (which is often lower than what we feel we are worth!) --

Now, becoming a real business owner takes time and hard work. No one said it would be easy and that residual income and time freedom would just magically fall in your lap - a legitimate and legal business opportunity just does not work that way.

So, if one is uncomfortable with working harder or taking responsibility, they may be better suited to work for someone else. However, for those sharp individuals out there who are ambitious, motivated self-starters who want to work for themselves, the opportunity is there for you! You just have to take it!!


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