The Conscious Shock
There is often a time when prospecting, that you may utilize a technique known as the Conscious Shock. This is simply a large dollar amount or other statistic that tends to get a listener to really pay attention = a conscious shock to their system to sit up and take notice.
"If you could work part-time from home with a reputable company that can help you build a foundation to legally and ethically earn an income of $10,000, $20,000 or even $50,000 a month, would that be something you would be interested in?"
This is a catch phrase that many would listen to because the objections have already been addressed -- you have given the information that the company is reputable and legitimate, there is nothing illegal going on and you've given a factual income amount that makes most stop to at least listen to what you have to say.
In my company, every 28 days an Associate becomes a millionaire - plain and simple. This is a true reported statistic for my company and really gets the attention of others to listen up -- how many other companies can even say they have made an employee a millionaire ?? That's actually one of the goals of my company's founder! He wants to have the company that has produced the most millionaire marketing associates and he's well on his way to reaching that goal!
Many may feel inclined to not mention the high dollar amount, fearing that this will make many feel skeptical. However, one should fight the urge to NOT mention this amount. As long as it has been reported with your company as a factual income amount that is possible to be earned within the company, you need to tell your prospect. It could be the one thing that drives their motivation to join you and to one day become of one those top earners!
In many cases, your upline/mentor may provide you with a contact number of a person within your company who is earning such figures and can speak directly with your prospect if necessary...or your mentor may already be earning that income now and can speak with your prospect.
Either way, it is important to not leave out information to give that prospect the "conscious" shock they may need -- it could be the difference between financial independence and a lifetime of living under someone else's thumb.
Some of this info courtesy of author: Mark Yarnell -
Graphic courtesy of this site
"If you could work part-time from home with a reputable company that can help you build a foundation to legally and ethically earn an income of $10,000, $20,000 or even $50,000 a month, would that be something you would be interested in?"
This is a catch phrase that many would listen to because the objections have already been addressed -- you have given the information that the company is reputable and legitimate, there is nothing illegal going on and you've given a factual income amount that makes most stop to at least listen to what you have to say.
In my company, every 28 days an Associate becomes a millionaire - plain and simple. This is a true reported statistic for my company and really gets the attention of others to listen up -- how many other companies can even say they have made an employee a millionaire ?? That's actually one of the goals of my company's founder! He wants to have the company that has produced the most millionaire marketing associates and he's well on his way to reaching that goal!
Many may feel inclined to not mention the high dollar amount, fearing that this will make many feel skeptical. However, one should fight the urge to NOT mention this amount. As long as it has been reported with your company as a factual income amount that is possible to be earned within the company, you need to tell your prospect. It could be the one thing that drives their motivation to join you and to one day become of one those top earners!
In many cases, your upline/mentor may provide you with a contact number of a person within your company who is earning such figures and can speak directly with your prospect if necessary...or your mentor may already be earning that income now and can speak with your prospect.
Either way, it is important to not leave out information to give that prospect the "conscious" shock they may need -- it could be the difference between financial independence and a lifetime of living under someone else's thumb.
Some of this info courtesy of author: Mark Yarnell -
Graphic courtesy of this site