One phrase to succeed...

As we roll into another week, I want to post a few thoughts for my readers to ponder...

Upon viewing many "business opportunity" links, I have come across a significant number of "this URL does not exist." This most likely means that the associate gave up on their business and cancelled their website...but one has to wonder, how many other people besides myself have since tried to look at that site and gotten the same error message?

My point is that your key to success can be found in one simple phrase: JUST DON'T QUIT! You never know who you may meet who will be interested in your product, service or opportunity, everyday can bring new people into our lives, new challenges and new success and accomplishments!

You just cannot quit your network marketing business -- I heard one story within my company that was utterly amazing...

About 10 years ago, a gentleman (we'll call him James) met another man (we'll call him Greg). James and Greg were discussing business opportunities and James mentioned that he was with XYZ company. Greg seemed pretty interested and James was able to use a third party marketing tool which resulted in Greg joining the business. James continued on with his business, but after a couple of months, things slowed down...Greg had some production but nothing to break records.
James got discouraged with his downline and the business itself and ended up quitting...

Well today, Greg (that new recruit from a decade ago) now earns upwards of $250,000 a year with the same company and has a large organization of successful downline associates...Greg will join the company's Millionaire Club within the year...James would already be a millionaire, most likely from Greg's efforts alone. However, he chose to quit when things got rough and thus forfeited his chance of ever seeing the income of that eventual success...

So the moral of the story is: DON'T QUIT! There will be good days, bad days, good weeks, bad weeks, and so on...but you have to remember the good days to get you through the bad ones! If you are new, listen to the success stories in your company and let that be your driving force...make it your goal to join that group of successful professionals who endorse your company with their personal testimonials. They could do it, so can you!

God bless!


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